Family Ties, a program of DICSA, is an Adult Day Center located in Iron Mountain, Michigan. It is open to individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and dementia, as well as other debilitating diseases.
Family Ties is a structured program providing stimulating activities and socialization as a vital part of the center's daily routine. The setting allows the individual the opportunity to gain a feeling of accomplishment from participating in the activities of the center.
Family Ties Adult Center also provides respite for the caregiver. Respite allows the caregiver time to accomplish daily responsibilities while their loved one is cared for in a safe, secure, and stimulating environment. The center creates an option for families other than placement in a long-term care facility. This option allows the participant the opportunity to remain in their own home, living in familiar surroundings, while at the same time supporting the family's needs. The caregiver has time to take care of the daily necessities of living while getting some much needed respite from the care of their family member.
The Caregiver Support Group is presented by the Alzheimer’s Association of Michigan. Meetings are held at the DICSA main office on the third Thursday of every month from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CST. For more information please contact Tammy Tomassucci at: (906) 774-8032.
If you would like to know more about the Family Ties Adult Center, including how to enroll your loved one in the program, please contact:
Family Ties Director: Brynn Billings
Telephone: (906) 774-8032
Family Ties Adult Center
1238 Carpenter Ave.
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8am - 4pm